I recently became curious about the accuracy of this tradition. If a groundhog’s shadow can actually predict the weather, I wanted to know why. I came to find out that the accuracy is horrible - at least for Punxsutawny Phil, who is probably the most famous of the many groundhogs that are watched on Groundhog Day. I read he was at 39%. Um, okay, so he’s actually worse than random chance. In fact, based on those statistics, I would say maybe we should revise the whole thing and say that if he sees his shadow, we’re in for an early spring. Right?
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Forget about a "staycation," I've found a new thing, which I'll call a "Googlecation." I was just doing some research on my old DC neighborhood for a piece I'm writing and found myself "driving" around my old haunts, checking out how things look now using Goggle Earth and streetview. MUCH better than all the trouble of actually going there. :)
You know how Facebook looks at your posts and profile to determine what relevant ads to display? I often see ads for cat-related products, which I understand since I post about my cats and read others' posts about cats.
But... recently it was giving me ads for online senior dating and weight loss programs. So what, Facebook is telling me I'm old, single and fat? I'm not saying they are wrong, but that's just kind of depressing. A while back there was an ad for assault weapon ammunition. Huh? I probably sound like a douche bag ragging on these things, They just kind of, I don’t know, give me the same feeling I get when I see everybody putting Salt Life on their car. I felt the same way about “baby on board” signs (I never did that, even when I had a baby on board). Admittedly, if I had a young family I might given in. But now I just feel like getting about a hundred cat stickers and putting them on my car to look like a crazy cat woman (I do not have a hundred cats). You should search “funny stick figure families.” There are some really hilarious ones out there. I’m getting ideas.