I've loved writing since I was a child. In fact, my mother submitted a story I wrote to Highlights when I was about seven (it was mercifully rejected). I was first published with back-to-back articles in Seventeen and Teen Beat when I was in college. I worked for my university newspaper and eventually starting writing Web content when it came along in the 90s.
My first career job was in broadcasting, and that allowed me to do a little writing here and there, but most of what I did was freelance. After getting my first Master's degree, I began teaching, which I love, but it's only a part-time gig. So I went back to grad school again in 2012 and earned my MFA in Creative Writing. I did that in hopes of either advancing my teaching career or finding other writing-related work. And I love school.
I don't concentrate on a single genre. My writing is like my interests - all over the place (I should say "eclectic" or something more high-brow, I know). I've written Web content for people covering everything from the introduction of the Airbus A380 to feeding pocket pets. I'm currently working on a humor book, because I like to crack people up. I wrote a memoir (which could be considered humor, I suppose) in my MFA program and am adding to that for eventual publication. I've been working on a novel (I won't tell you for how long) which is near-future science fiction. I'm also working on a crazy graphic novel with my writing/illustrating partner along with a children's picture book. Then there's some boring academic stuff. But most importantly, I have two books out (see below) and more to come.
Anyway, here are some examples of my work... Thanks for checking it out!
My first career job was in broadcasting, and that allowed me to do a little writing here and there, but most of what I did was freelance. After getting my first Master's degree, I began teaching, which I love, but it's only a part-time gig. So I went back to grad school again in 2012 and earned my MFA in Creative Writing. I did that in hopes of either advancing my teaching career or finding other writing-related work. And I love school.
I don't concentrate on a single genre. My writing is like my interests - all over the place (I should say "eclectic" or something more high-brow, I know). I've written Web content for people covering everything from the introduction of the Airbus A380 to feeding pocket pets. I'm currently working on a humor book, because I like to crack people up. I wrote a memoir (which could be considered humor, I suppose) in my MFA program and am adding to that for eventual publication. I've been working on a novel (I won't tell you for how long) which is near-future science fiction. I'm also working on a crazy graphic novel with my writing/illustrating partner along with a children's picture book. Then there's some boring academic stuff. But most importantly, I have two books out (see below) and more to come.
Anyway, here are some examples of my work... Thanks for checking it out!

12 Weeks on Tinsmith: Behind the Scenes of Edward Scissorhands.
eBook. And don't forget to review on Amazon!
Seriously, buy a copy - and some for your friends. I'm almost out of ramen noodles.
Click here for Amazon.
eBook. And don't forget to review on Amazon!
Seriously, buy a copy - and some for your friends. I'm almost out of ramen noodles.
Click here for Amazon.

Conventionally Speaking (MHP Publishing). I wrote a chapter for this book which chronicles the experiences of media convention attendees. It is now available on Amazon, or you can get an autographed copy (or unautographed for that matter) from me. Just drop me an email.
This is the first book in a series of similar works to which I also hope to contribute.
This is the first book in a series of similar works to which I also hope to contribute.
My blogs have been on hold a while, as working 60-hour weeks pretty much left no time for anything. But I left my online job a while back because it was killing my soul, so I need to get back to writing now that I have a little more time..
I moved my main blog to this site. I started it up again in May 2019 and will really try to keep up with it.
Rocking College. Blog about college life and success. I've been bad about updating it since I started working FT, but I'm also now teaching again in addition to my main job, and the course I teach is for first year students, so I should have plenty of material. I may post some over the summer, but my plan is to have it back up fully going into the fall 2019 semester.
I would like to make a shout-out here to author and blogger Jenny Lawson who is funny as hell. She has some of the same anxiety issues I have and manages to write about them with humor, which is exactly what I do. I highly recommend her blog for a good laugh. The Bloggess.
And another shout-out to my friend Rick Hill, who I got to know as an actor in the 80's, but now he's a bestselling author and speaker. He worked with Pete Rose on his bio My Prison without Bars. More recently, he released the fascinating The Apostle: The Miraculous Journey of Dr. G.B. Epsy, a Doctor who Defied Borders.
I moved my main blog to this site. I started it up again in May 2019 and will really try to keep up with it.
Rocking College. Blog about college life and success. I've been bad about updating it since I started working FT, but I'm also now teaching again in addition to my main job, and the course I teach is for first year students, so I should have plenty of material. I may post some over the summer, but my plan is to have it back up fully going into the fall 2019 semester.
I would like to make a shout-out here to author and blogger Jenny Lawson who is funny as hell. She has some of the same anxiety issues I have and manages to write about them with humor, which is exactly what I do. I highly recommend her blog for a good laugh. The Bloggess.
And another shout-out to my friend Rick Hill, who I got to know as an actor in the 80's, but now he's a bestselling author and speaker. He worked with Pete Rose on his bio My Prison without Bars. More recently, he released the fascinating The Apostle: The Miraculous Journey of Dr. G.B. Epsy, a Doctor who Defied Borders.
Web Content
I have written a lot of Web content over the years. (Note - often under the last name Fleming before I changed back)
Social media and blogging for Kim's Cat Crusade, Inc. (just started).
Social media management for the Department of Communication at the University of Tampa (2017-2024).
AARP's Disrupt Aging site Too Young for Dentures?
Content Marketing Manager for Signify Studios/Design Training Camp. I mostly edited articles for the usual things, plus checking SEO/SEM, usability and the like.
I was an editor/writer for BellaOnline (under the name Fleming). I wrote for their Home Office, Wireless Office and Teen departments. Here are a few samples. Keep in mind this was a few years ago, so the tech-related material is dated.
I also worked for Examiner.com, but I don't think my content is available any more. I will keep looking, and if I can't find it, I'll attach a few Word samples.
I worked for Metromix/WTVT writing restaurant reviews and taking photos (around 2008). They don't exist any more, so I can't link :(. Story of my life.
Social media and blogging for Kim's Cat Crusade, Inc. (just started).
Social media management for the Department of Communication at the University of Tampa (2017-2024).
AARP's Disrupt Aging site Too Young for Dentures?
Content Marketing Manager for Signify Studios/Design Training Camp. I mostly edited articles for the usual things, plus checking SEO/SEM, usability and the like.
I was an editor/writer for BellaOnline (under the name Fleming). I wrote for their Home Office, Wireless Office and Teen departments. Here are a few samples. Keep in mind this was a few years ago, so the tech-related material is dated.
- Are You Ready for the New WiFi Standard?
- Is a Smartphone Right for You?
- Organizing Your Workspace
- Maintaining Privacy Working from Home
- Getting a Home Inventory
- Product Research
I also worked for Examiner.com, but I don't think my content is available any more. I will keep looking, and if I can't find it, I'll attach a few Word samples.
I worked for Metromix/WTVT writing restaurant reviews and taking photos (around 2008). They don't exist any more, so I can't link :(. Story of my life.
Textbook Reviewing
Oxford University Press - Public Relations by Tom Kelleher (multiple editions)
Rowman & Littlefield - Media Literacy (first edition) by Hobbs
McGraw Hill - Introduction to Mass Communication (9th edition) by Stanley Baran
Cognella - Poised to Respond: A Practical Introduction to Public Relations
Rowman & Littlefield - Media Literacy (first edition) by Hobbs
McGraw Hill - Introduction to Mass Communication (9th edition) by Stanley Baran
Cognella - Poised to Respond: A Practical Introduction to Public Relations
Miscellaneous (scripts, marketing, articles, academic, etc.)
Here are some of the projects I've worked on over the years:
Various print magazine articles (I'll try to find tear sheet copies, but most are pretty old anyway. We're talking pre-Internet):
* previously TurnHere Internet Video.
- Non-fiction editor for Tampa Review Online. 2012-2013. As part of MFA residency.
- Newsletter editor for the Tampa Chapter of the American Marketing Association. 2008-2009. (link is to the newsletter archive)
- Marketing materials for Affordable Home Inventory, LLC. 2008-2012. (link is to a 3-fold brochure. It's all I could find at the moment. I designed and wrote all the ad/marketing copy as well as letterhead, promo items, etc, matching up with logo clothing for employees).
- Commercial: Lakeland Memorial Gardens (Yellow Pages Online/Smartshoot*). Writer/producer.
- Commercial: Brandon Legal Firm (Yellow Pages Online/Smartshoot). Writer/producer.
- I produced/edited a couple of short form programs for the Travel Channel's blog/online portal. I doubt they're running my programs these days (I worked from 2008-2010), but I'll try and hunt them down.
- Master's Thesis (Mass Communication) Participatory Fandom in American Culture. 2007. (link goes to USF Scholarcommons for academic publications).
- Armadillo's Crossing: A Memoir (chapter) from MFA Thesis. (Word doc)
- Our Town: Sarasota. TV series for WUSF-TV. Writer and segment producer. Won 2002 Telly Award. (link is to the edit script)
- Celebrity Interview with actor Stephen Collins (2001). (link is to my copy. I think it ran in Examiner)
- Excerpt of a television script for TOTGM Reunion (just for funsies).
- Camp Guide: The Dry Tortugas. TV pilot for Outlandish Productions/WUSF-TV. Writer/producer. 1994.
- Highlander Flashback: An Episode Guide. Nonfiction book. Long story short, I was contracted to write this 500-page manuscript by a trade publishing house. They subsequently went out of business before it could be released. I may still put this out as an eBook.. But at least I proved I could sell a book proposal :) This was around 1996. (Just noticed this is still listed on Goodreads, kind of mocking me...)
Various print magazine articles (I'll try to find tear sheet copies, but most are pretty old anyway. We're talking pre-Internet):
- Professional and Industry Publications. Over the years, I've written for a number of such publications. They aren't all that interesting. I remember one was on buying a proper small pet water bottle for the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association. Yeah.
- Seriously Series. Seventeen. Article. 1984.
- A Brush with the Right Stuff. Seventeen. Article. 1985.
- A Day with Knight. Teen Beat. Article. 1983.
- Miscellaneous feature and news articles for the USF Oracle. 1980s.
* previously TurnHere Internet Video.
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Florida Writer's Union
Society of Professional Journalists
National Association of Media Literacy Education
Florida Writer's Union
Society of Professional Journalists
National Association of Media Literacy Education